Application for reconsideration in calculating working periods
Social security
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Grant conditions /Legal framework
Order of the Minister of Social Affairs on February 27th 1995concerning the setting up an advisory commission in order to implement social security systems at the level of the general administration of social security which is responsible for handling and giving opinion on all matters relating to the application of social security systems
File documents
- Application on behalf of the Minister of Social Affairs
- Reply received from the social security fund
- Supporting documents to be submitted with the application
Submission of file / Service Delivery Deadline
Deposing the file to the central control office of the Ministry, and the reply will be received at the latest within two months.
- Formal admission of file
- Development of the agenda of the advisory commission to implement social security system
- Call for a meeting of representatives of National Social Security Fund, National Pension and Social Insurance Fund, General Labor Administration, General Direction of Labor Inspection and the Office of Citizen Relations
- Drafting the minutes of the advisory commission ‘s meeting in order to implement social security systems
- Sending correspondence to the National Social Security Fund, the National Pension and Social Insurance Fund
- Decision-making by the commission , whether to refuse or accept the application after studying the file
- Sending correspondence to the concerned parties when filing their applications in order to inform them of the commission ‘s decision