• Law No. 1985-78 dated August 5, 1985, as amended and completed by Law No. 1999-28 dated April 3, 1999, relating to the organic law for the officials of offices, public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature, and state-owned companies or pub

  • Joint Decision of the Minister of Social Affairs and the Minister of Finance dated May 19, 2020 fixing the method of calculating and the amount of direct financial transfers to the benefit of the poor groups benefiting from the social security program

  • Basic Law No. 10 of 2019 dated January 30, 2019 relating to the creation of the Social Security Program

  • Decree of the Head of Government dated May 5, 2021 fixing the list of associations provided for in article 25 bis of decree n° 2013-5183 dated November 18, 2013 fixing the criteria, procedures and conditions for granting public funding to associations

  • Governmental decree n° 2021-310 dated May 5, 2021, relating to the exceptional extension of the deadlines for the application of article 25 bis of decree n° 2013-5183 dated November 18, 2013 fixing the criteria, procedures and conditions for granting publ

  • Law No. 2016-41 dated May 16, 2016 amending directive law No. 2005-83 dated August 15, 2005 related to the advancement and protection of persons with disabilities

  • Order of the Minister of Social Affairs dated June 26, 2019, approving the amendment annex n° 2 to the sectoral joint agreement for the employees of associations for the care of persons with disabilities.

  • Decree n° 2013-5183 dated November 18, 2013 fixing the conditions, criteria and procedures for granting public funding to associations

  • Circular No. 20 dated September 20, 2019 about a grant to cover the expenses of rehabilitation, specialized education and home care for persons with disabilities for the benefit of associations for the care of persons with disabilities

  • Circular No. 19 dated July 10, 2013 relating to situational aid and aid within the framework of school social work